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Fact ~ Medieval Cough Medicine Recipe (Sugar & Honey) Is the Same Today as 1300 Years Ago

Updated: Aug 28, 2022

You most likely have never heard the word "cure" regarding your cough - until now! You were likely instructed to consume variations of honey or sugar for your cough.

Hard to believe, but variations of sugar and honey are the only cough suppressant, or antitussive recommendations from the NIH & CDC today! (No instant and permanent cure for cough is noted, or recommended on their websites ~ anywhere.)

The CDC & NIH variations of honey and sugar is the exact same cough medicine formula from the 8th century ~ with the exact same results. No cure! Honey & sugar provide limited, to no suppression, and absolutely no instant and permanent cure.

Fact: The #1 reason for doctor visits is a cough. Did you know, there has never, in history, been a peer reviewed and published instant & permanent cure for any cough by-proxy. ("Hard to imagine that there is no instant, and permanent cure of the main reason for doctor visits, and that the only treatment is sugar and honey." - Editor)

Just peer reviewed and published "Cures of the Cough without a Cause?" HERE.

Habit cough cure is now, available for use online, or in your adult,​ or pediatric doctor's office.

Backstory: In a desperate search to cure their daughter's 5,000+ coughs each day, Dennis' research discovered something very odd and highly unusual. No doctor would say the word, "cure" about his daughter's cough. They would only say, "suppress", "treat" and "we'll keep an eye on it". (Words that you have heard many times.) None would say the word, "cure."

He finally asked a doctor directly after hearing these terms in what sounded like a loop. "... please, say the word cure." The doctor looked left, and then right. He leaned in and, with almost a whispered voice said, "... there is no such thing as a cure for a cough. Never has been. Never will be. Sorry."

Shocked, Dennis asked when and how his daughter's cough would finally stop. The doctor said, "... I don't know how or when it will stop. Maybe a day, or a week or a year or more. There is no way to tell."

Dennis was now on a hunt for a diagnosis and a cure for his sweet child. What happened next would shock him AND the world ~ with what might be the biggest and most shocking, accidental medical cure discovery since penicillin.

The entire "big story" about Dennis' hunt for Dr. Weinberger and his "miraculous" cure is located HERE. This post is about "sugar and honey", and the shocking revelations that will leave you shaking your head. None of what you will read is hyperbole. Whenever, and wherever possible, you will note "offsite links" to trusted & government websites and repositories of peer reviewed and published information. This is for your independent validation & verification (IV&V). Special note: Remember as noted above ~ The #1 reason for doctor visits is a cough, and that "medieval times" was over 1,000 years ago.

"One pediatric pulmonologist and 50 year asthma & cough researcher confidently said the word, "... cure," and, indeed, he instantly & permanently cured her, in mere minutes ~ in a most fascinating way. No sugar or honey cough medicine was involved. With Dr. Weinberger's cure, modern medicine would never be the same. His peer reviewed and published, instant & permanent cure is now available for free, as his gift, for children and adults around the world." - Dennis

Here is his daughter's story called, "The Doctor Behind the ‘Miraculous’ Cure for Nonstop Coughs" - Victoria Albert in The Daily Beast - HERE

Honey & sugar are the ONLY recommendations by NIH & CDC for acute & chronic cough associated with the "common cold." (There is no instant and permanent "cure" by-proxy for chronic cough, diagnosed as "habit cough" noted anywhere on their websites as of June, 2021.)

“If not a cure; most certainly there is a government-approved treatment. Maybe there is an OTC cough medicine from the multi-billion dollar cough suppressant industry that provides a cure. (No, there is none ~ except for honey and sugar!)” — Dennis

Pharmacists are well aware that there is no peer reviewed and published, instant & permanent cure for your acute or chronic cough available from the multi-billion dollar cough medicine industry. (Only variations on sugar and honey) in liquid or lozenge form: Unfortunately, the majority of therapies available are currently recommended based on historical practice rather than on scientific evidence.” Emily M. Ambizas, PharmD, MPH, BCGP

CDC: Treatment for Cough — Honey, Lozenges & Hard Candy

No cure after all these centuries ~ until NOW!

Yes, the sole recommendation for “treatment” of acute cough (not “cure”) by the U.S. Government for one of the most vicious types of chronic coughs that spreads so many germs and viruses is — (no joke) honey, lozenges & hard sugar, candy cough drops.

Dennis was confused, and amazed at the same time, as the world should be. Maybe this is why in all of his near futile searching, he never heard or read the word or suggestion of a “cure”.

Note: There is no elaboration of what the term “relieve” means, but it does not state, “cure” for cough in any CDC or NIH peer-reviewed and published papers.

It’s hard to believe that up to this point in modern medicine and pharmaceutical research, even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta and the National Institutes for Health (NIH) could only approve, (via peer reviewed and published documents and websites) and recommend honey and sugar cough drops as treatment for cough.

Honey and cough drops are not a permanent cure; but only an ineffective temporary treatment, as noted below. (Yes, they seriously can only recommend honey or a sugar cough lozenge.)

Honey may be better than ‘no treatment’, diphenhydramine and placebo for the symptomatic relief of cough, but it is not better than dextromethorphan. None of the included studies assessed the effect of honey on ‘cough duration’ because intervention and follow-up were for one night only. There is no strong evidence supporting or against the use of honey.” - NIH

Amazingly, honey and sugar recipe variations were also considered treatment (not cure) for cough in medieval times dating back to the 8th century (and earlier?).

Dennis researched in vain throughout history for some type of "lost" or "little-known" cough cure. Nope. Just honey or sugar, like today ~ and maybe some boiled down wine.

(This all seems like a bad joke, but it’s not. This is the same recipe for cough syrup today as it was in the 8th century. HERE)

Note: Until now, in the history of medieval AND modern medicine, there has NEVER been a repeatable, instant, permanent cure for medically unexplained (acute or) chronic cough (MUCC).

There has only been very ineffective sugar and honey “over the counter” (OTC) recipes for temporary suppression of cough, which have been almost unchanged since medieval times.

Note: Billions of dollars per year in the USA alone are spent on what every pharmacist and doctor knows are ineffective cough medicine variations of sugar and honey.

The sole recommendation for “treatment” of acute cough (not “cure”) by the U.S. Government’s NIH & CDC for one of the most vicious types of acute & chronic coughs that spreads so many germs, influenza and viruses via cough aerosol droplet spray is — (no joke) honey and maybe lozenges & hard sugar candy.

Maybe this is why in all of his near futile searching, Dennis never heard or read the word or suggestion of a “cure”.

Dennis found Dr. Weinberger’s more recent "editor requested submission" from Lung Journal HERE.

He presented this brilliant paper at the 3rd American Cough Conference, New York, NY, June 10, 2011.

It helped lead to a new paradigm of curative treatment for Habit Cough in children and adults “by-proxy”.

Over-the-counter medicine and children

Per The CDC: Be careful about giving over-the-counter (OTC) medicines to children. Not all over-the-counter medicines are recommended for children of certain ages. (Especially dextromethorphan)

Cough and cold medicines:

Children younger than 4 years old: do not use unless a doctor specifically tells you to. "Use of over-the-counter cough and cold medicines in young children can result in serious and potentially life-threatening side effects." - FDA

Children 4 years or older: discuss with your child’s doctor if over-the-counter cough and cold medicines are safe to give to your child for temporary symptom relief.

There have been many recipes for cough suppressants (honey, sugar & whiskey) — never a permanent cure until now. HERE.

The CDC also directs people to:

Offer adults a cough drop or hard [sugar] candy to soothe their throat and lessen the urge to cough.” (They are serious. There is NO recommendation for any specific OTC or prescription medicine.)

“Although treatment guidelines for chronic cough are available, they vary in their recommendations. There are no FDA-approved agents indicated specifically for chronic cough at this time, but medications such as inhaled corticosteroids and narcotic antitussives are frequently used for treatment, while speech and behavioral therapy have also been potential options.”The American Journal of Managed Care (Note: No word match for “cure” or “cessation” concerning cough is found in this document.)

Note: Dennis scanned the globe via the Internet for local treatments or cures from other countries, and the world’s experts could do no better than the US Government with their honey, sugar lozenge, and cough drop recommendation. There was certainly not any peer-reviewed and published, non-pharmacologic, no cost, and replicable, instant & permanent cure for the daytime repetitive cough to be found.

See the peer reviewed and published documentation HERE

Dextromethorphan (DXM or DM was patented in 1949 and approved for medical use in 1953.) is a medication most often used as a cough suppressant (not a permanent cure) in over-the-counter cold and cough medicines. It is sold in syrup, tablet, spray, and lozenge forms.

“Laboratory studies suggest that dissociative drugs, including PCP, ketamine, and DXM, cause their effects by disrupting the actions of the brain chemical glutamate at certain types of receptors — called N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors — on nerve cells throughout the brain.” (Morgan, 2012; Morris, 2005)

From Wikipedia, “It is in the morphinan class of medications with sedative, dissociation, and stimulant properties (at lower doses). Dextromethorphan possesses only a minimal degree of the mu-opioid activity typical of morphinan compounds and exerts its therapeutic effects through several other receptors. In its pure form, dextromethorphan occurs as a white powder.”

Very important: Unfortunately, DXM is also used recreationally. “When exceeding approved dosages, dextromethorphan acts as a dissociative hallucinogen. It has multiple mechanisms of action, including actions as a nonselective serotonin reuptake inhibitor and a sigma-1 receptor agonist. DXM and its major metabolite, dextrorphan, also block the NMDA glutamate receptor at high doses, which produces effects similar to other dissociative anesthetics such as ketamine, nitrous oxide, and phencyclidine (PCP), [and Salvia divinorum].”

Special note: Dextromethorphan ("DXM", or "DM" in cough syrup) is a massively abused, dissociative drug, known as "the poor man’s PCP.” DM is not a cough cure. Read about what the DM in your child's cough medicine really is, in this brilliant and scary "peer reviewed and published" document titled, "Dextromethorphan in Cough Syrup: The Poor Man’s Psychosis".

Interesting note: It has been referenced (unverified) that DXM was successfully tested in 1954 as part of US Navy and CIA-funded research on nonaddictive substitutes for codeine as an antitussive.

Pharmacists have a front line role for The Weinberger Procedure HERE

Note: As declared above in Dr. Weinberger’s updated diagnosis, he now includes treatment recommendations for “acute” cough. We decided to include this updated diagnosis once again for context, and due to its importance and implications.



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