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Big Post COVID-19 Cough Cure News - King’s College, London, & Other Presentations by Dr. Weinberger

Updated: Jun 24

Note: Dr. Weinberger's instant and permanent cure is equally effective in adults and children. It is used, replicated, and/or referred to at well over 100 worldwide medical centers with 95%+ success rate. Read their unsolicited & incredible stories: HERE Update: Special Post Covid-19-Associated Acute & Chronic Habit Cough Information

*** Post COVID-19 and Long COVID cough cure update: Dr. Weinberger has received numerous unsolicited, verified reports of post, & long COVID-19 cough cure success utilizing his procedure. - Please report any post-viral, COVID-19 & Long COVID cough cures utilizing Dr. Weinberger's submission form HERE. Note: Please include any post-influenza cough, & cures too. ***

Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, has been a much requested international keynote speaker for decades. His paradigm shifting medical discovery ~ cures of the cough without a cure - habit cough syndrome in children and adults is his most requested and well received presentation. You may contact him via his private website to request that he speak to your pulmonology, continence and/or cough cure team live or via Internet.

"Cough is one of the most common presenting symptoms of COVID-19, along with fever and loss of taste and smell. Cough can persist for weeks or months after SARS-CoV-2 infection, often accompanied by chronic fatigue, cognitive impairment, dyspnoea, or pain—a collection of long-term effects referred to as the post-COVID syndrome or long COVID." & "Many reports have now described post-COVID symptoms and show that cough can persist for weeks and months after SARS-CoV-2 infection in some patients, with differing severity of acute symptoms." - Confronting COVID-19-associated cough and the post-COVID syndrome - from The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Regarding the instant and permanent cure of post-COVID acute and chronic cough. "The initial cause of the Habit Cough is commonly symptoms consistent with a viral respiratory infection. When the symptoms caused in children [and adults] were initiated from Covid-19, the subsequent Habit Cough did not appear to differ from that initiated by other common cold viruses. & There doesn't seem to be anything special about the Corona related [cough]. It's a viral respiratory infection that symptomatically for children and even for immunized adults, it's clinically a viral respiratory infection." - Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. << Click for the entire published paper to show to your doctor.

"The COVID-19 pandemic was associated with some community physicians indicating to us that they were seeing more children with habit cough. From the 11 children reported to us with characteristic habit cough post-COVID-19, it did not appear that habit cough post-COVID-19 differed from habit cough triggered by other viral respiratory infections. COVID-19 can cause an acute cough, but a chronic dry cough is reported to follow recovery that can last for months. This is described in an extensively referenced review [15]. The post-COVID-19 prolonged cough may or may not be accompanied by other long COVID-19 symptoms. Data in publications of respiratory post-COVID-19 follow-up in children are insufficient to ascertain the frequency with which some have the characteristics of habit cough." - Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, - A Review, Update, and Commentary for the Cough without a Cause: Facts and Factoids of the Habit Cough, March 02, 2023, Journal of Clinical Medicine

Remember: NOT every cough is a "habit cough". Consult with your doctor.

Long hauler post-COVID cough research: HERE.

Long hauler post-COVID habit cough cures utilizing Dr. Weinberger's procedure: HERE.

Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. He received training at the University of California in San Francisco, National Institute of Health, National Jewish Hospital in Denver, and the University of Colorado.

Dr. Weinberger is a Board certified Allergist and Pediatric Pulmonologist who began and directed the Pediatric allergy and pulmonary clinic at the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics from 1975 to 2015.

He founded and ran the University of Iowa Cough Clinic, starting in 1991. Children with chronic cough were evaluated and those with physical disorders such as protracted bacterial bronchitis, asthma, bronchiectasis, and tracheomalacia were identified and effectively treated.

For those children with no physical or organic cause of the cough, habit cough was identified and a simple behavioral method, suggestion therapy, stopped coughing in the clinic. Patients were taught to use the technique they learned in the clinic at home when needed; that was known as autosuggestion.

Now, Dr. Weinberger's instant and permanent curative procedure works with astonishing success (for adults & children) in-office, via-telemedicine, and AMAZINGLY ~ simply, just by watching a YouTube documentary. Yes, even Dr. Weinberger states his YouTube cure was "unintended" and "unexpected"! (Shocking!) The results were so amazing that doctors and specialists at renowned medical centers around the world “typically” and “routinely” refer their worst case scenarios to to watch and be instantly and permanently cured from their intractable chronic cough.

Dr. Weinberger authored over 200 manuscript publications, 44 book chapters, and a book entitled Managing Asthma. He has been an invited speaker more than 500 times throughout the United States and in 22 countries ~ for decades!

Something really big just happened at his keynote speech in London.

Note: Initial COVID-19 symptoms vary, but child and adult patients around the world can exhibit post-COVID-19, lingering, refractory, unexplained, violent and relentless cough HERE. This post-COVID-19 cough can remain for days, months, or even years. Until now, there has been no treatment; let alone and instant and permanent cure.

This post-viral, lingering, daytime "awake," refractory, unexplained cough, first described by Hippocrates, has been known as "habitual [habit] cough" since publication in a medical text book from London in 1694. It was described as, "habitual cough, which often continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone," [post-viral cough]. This is also very similar to the modern diagnosis of Habit Cough HERE.

"A large proportion of my patient cohort (especially in the aftermath of COVID) experience Habit Cough ..." - Attendee ~ Consultant Respiratory and General Paediatrician - 8th King’s John Price Paediatric Respiratory Conference (see below)

These are merely a sampling of the invited presentations Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. has recently provided to esteemed medical teams at renowned medical centers in the USA and around the world.

His brilliant presentations are related to his diagnosis, instant and permanent cure for habit cough in children and adults around the world. He also provides medical teams with more specialized pediatric pulmonology presentations HERE.

Contact him via his website and he can provide a presentation to your team anywhere in the world via Zoom, Skype or Teams.

Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, University of Iowa

Visiting Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego, Rady Children's Hospital "It is my goal as a medical educator to eventually have all adult and pediatric doctors and pulmonologists successfully [cessation] recognize and treat habit cough with a simple behavioral method, suggestion therapy.

Other pulmonary divisions have invited me to present habit cough and related problems."

Dr. Weinberger received an unsolicited invitation to be a keynote speaker at at 8th King’s John Price Paediatric Respiratory Conference (London) on June 16th, 2022. HERE

His speech was: Habit Cough Syndrome, Miles “Mike” Weinberger, M., Visiting Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego, Rady Children’s Hospital Professor Emeritus, University of Iowa College of Medicine. This is similar to the video noted above.

"A large proportion of my patient cohort (especially in the aftermath of COVID) experience Habit Cough ..." - Attendee ~ Consultant Respiratory and General Paediatrician - 8th King’s John Price Paediatric Respiratory Conference

This habit cough diagnosis from 1694 is. "habitual, cough [absent once asleep] which often continues after the first Cough, which was caused by the Cold, is gone,..." [post-viral cough] -and- for adults from 1685. "... a violent dry Cough following her day and night, unless when she was fallen asleep:..." These are almost word-for-word the same as Dr. Weinberger's current habit cough diagnosis. HERE One esteemed attendee (pediatric pulmonologist) stated, "A large proportion of my patient cohort (especially in the aftermath of COVID) experience Habit Cough ..." The attendees were excited to learn that Dr. Weinberger's procedure was highly effective for post-COVID refractory unexplained acute and chronic cough diagnosed as Habit Cough in children and adults.


After the son of a medical doctor from Texas Children's Hospital was instantly and permanently cured from an extremely violent case of habit cough, Dr. Weinberger was asked to provide a habit cough diagnosis and treatment presentation. Dr. Weinberger provided his habit cough presentation to the pediatric pulmonology team at Texas Children's Hospital, Houston, Texas. Contact: Dr. Shailendra Das, DO

Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine

Note: Dr. Weinberger made a couple of updates to this presentation, but the main content remains similar.

Texas Children's Hospital is an internationally recognized children's hospital and the primary pediatric training site for Baylor College of Medicine, which has one of the largest pediatric residency programs in the country. Baylor faculty also are the service chiefs and staff physicians of Texas Children’s. Texas Children’s is ranked in all ten subspecialties in U.S. News & World Report’s list of America’s Best Children’s Hospitals and earned a top spot in Parents magazine's 10 Best Children's Hospitals.

Weinberger M. What do we really know about chronic cough in children and adults? Johns Hopkins pulmonary. January 25. 2021 (Virtual). Dr. Mandeep Singh Jassal, M.D., M.P.H. is familiar with Dr. Weinberger's habit cough cure research.

Dr. Weinberger provided his habit cough presentation to the pediatric pulmonology team at Nemours Children's Hospital, Delaware. Dr. Robert Heinle, MD, is familiar with Dr. Weinberger's work.

Weinberger M. What do we really know about chronic cough in children and adults? University of Florida, Gainesville. October 30, 2020, 12N EST. (Virtual)

Weinberger M. Functional respiratory disorders in children. Northern California Kaiser pediatric pulmonary. December 3, 2020, 9 a.m. PST (Virtual) Presentation HERE.

Dr. Renee Stromsness, MD, Pediatric Pulmonology is familiar with Dr. Weinberger's habit cough cure research and has referred patients to his work.

Weinberger M. What do we really know about chronic cough in children and adults? Pulmonary conference, Rady Children’s hospital. December 16,2020 8 a.m. PST. (Virtual)

Disclaimer: Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, University of Iowa. Visiting Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego, Rady Children's Hospital

Weinberger M. Functional respiratory disorders in children. Richmond Children’s Hospital, Virginia Commonwealth University. January 22,2021. (Virtual) Presentation HERE.

Weinberger M. Functional respiratory disorders in children. University of North Carolina. February 1, 2021 (Virtual). Presentation HERE.

Weinberger M. What do we really know about chronic cough in children and adults? Grand Rounds at Miller Children’s Hospital, Long Beach CA, University of California Irvine. February 5, 2021. (Virtual)

Weinberger M. Functional respiratory disorders with focus on habit cough in children and adults. University of Iowa Pediatric and Internal Medicine pulmonary divisions. March 9, 2021 (Virtual). Presentation HERE. Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD, Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, University of Iowa

Visiting Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, University of California San Diego, Rady Children's Hospital

Weinberger M. Habit cough, diagnosis and treatment. Los Angeles Children’s Hospital. January 27, 2022, 12N (Virtual)

Weinberger M. Functional respiratory disorders in children. National Children’s Hospital (D.C.), Feb 12, 2021. (Virtual) Click HERE to view his presentation.

The presentations noted above are just a small sampling of the US and international presentations that Dr. Weinberger has made. Click below to review his 80+ page CV.



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