From: A Review, Update, and Commentary for the Cough without a Cause: Facts and Factoids of the Habit Cough - by Dr. Miles Weinberger, MD. Special note: This publication from Dr. Weinberger includes information about his procedure curing post-Covid cough, long-Covid cough, and post-influenza cough in children and adults via-telemedicine, in-office, OR simply by watching and following directions in a YouTube video.
"A concerning barrier to recognition and treatment of habit cough is that the perceptions of some physicians are not consistent with the morbidity caused by this disorder.
Perceptions that habit cough was not as important as physical disorders were occasionally expressed as were concerns about the time required for suggestion therapy. However, despite the absence of a physical cause, these children have serious morbidity that is readily treatable. As to having the time, that is a lame comment. When necessary, a physician makes the time to provide appropriate care for a patient in need.
A debate on the subject of terminology for this cough disorder was arranged by Richard Irwin, a cough specialist and editor of the journal Chest, between one of the authors of this article (MW) and a neurologist, Tamara Pringsheim, MD. Skepticism regarding habit cough also was expressed by Dr. Peter Dicpinigaitis, current editor of the journal Lung. When provided a description of habit cough from one of the authors, he stated in an email, “I’m not a fan of science fiction”."
And here is Dr. Weinberger's latest publication which gives extra impact to his previous paper above. It is called: Habit Cough is a Cause of Chronic Cough in Adults (PDF download)
HERE it is online. It is behind a paywall. You can also click on the link below to get the same paper. All that is different is the formatting. The text is exactly the same as the published one behind the paywall.